Thursday, May 22, 2014

Last Day Of High School

As you enter high school, you always wonder what the last day of high school is going to be like.  But four years later, countless of homework assignments, late night study sessions, good memories, and a few best friends, you realize that high school has come and gone.  

It was such a bittersweet experience as I had to face the reality that I was leaving the comfort of high school. Don't get me wrong, I am excited that I am graduating but I couldn't help but look at everything, and I mean everything in a new perspective.  I realized that I wouldn't be using the same bathrooms anymore, or sleeping on the theatre classroom floor in between shows, or even sitting at the same lunch table.  I know it's a strange thought but I guess it's the little things that make you realize that you are growing up.

As I sat with a couple of friends at Starbucks, we read all the notes that our friends wrote in our yearbooks and guess what?  We were crying.  It was simple as that.  Let's be honest for a minute and agree that we probably looked pretty strange sitting in front of a Starbucks at 2 P.M. crying.  But that's okay because we were graduating and I think that's a pretty good excuse.

So here it is, the last day of high school and what do I feel?  I feel a little sad for wanting high school to end so quickly.  I'm going to miss the people, the atmosphere, and most of all, I'm going to miss all the good times that I had.  I owe a debt of gratitude to my best friends for making my senior year irreplaceable.

Congratulations, we made it Class of 2014.


Friday, April 18, 2014

Friend to Friend, Heart to Heart

With absolute no excuses, I apologize for being missing in action when it comes to blogging. But without further ado, this post is dedicated to the best friends I could ever have. For so long I felt like I was wandering from group to group attempting to find a place in which I belonged to.  I used to be envious of the group of girls who had best friends that they could always count on because I could never find people who would would do the same for me. So if you're feeling sad or lonely, don't give up, because right around the corner in your life could be some of the greatest friends you will ever meet.  These friends mean the world to me and are some of the few things that make me happy in life.  I don't know what I did to deserve such great best friends.

But if you are in a good place in your life and you have really good friends, make sure that you hold on to them. Cry with them, laugh with them, listen to them, get mad at them, and then make sure you make up because these are the things that make a friendship.  Make sure you constantly tell them how much you love them and how much they mean to you.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tim Armstrong Avenues & Alleyways Opening Reception

After I waited in line for hours and almost didn't even get in, I had the privilege to attend the opening of Tim Armstrong's Avenues and Alleyways opening reception in Echo Park, Los Angeles.  It featured a special live performance by Tim Timebomb & Friends along with Shepard Fairey as the DJ.

The art show featured 78 of his most recent pieces which included drawings, paintings, watercolors, mixed media, and silkscreen which was set in acrylic and spray paint.  Subliminal Projects who hosted the event, also, released a box set which contained 45 screen prints which were on sale as well.

Tim Armstrong's (Operation Ivy, Rancid, The Transplants) approach to his music is the same pure and raw emotion that fills each of his art pieces.  His art is a well-balanced presentation of his life, along with the tools of his craft, and poetic lines that capture the piece.

Here is a mini showing of some of my favorite pieces.

Make sure to check out the exhibit from January 24 - February 22, 2014.

1331 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026